Wow legion ptr armor
Wow legion ptr armor

wow legion ptr armor

wow legion ptr armor

Wow legion ptr armor Patch#

Now what really gets me excited about this armor is that this wouldn’t be the first, second, or even third time art assets from the next expansion were accidentally included in the final patch of the current one. For example, the leveling armor in Legion uses files names like “inv_chest_leather_legionquest100_b_01” and Warlords of Draenor used “inv_bracer_leather_draenorquest90_b_01.” One the of the datamined armor pieces even has a map of Kul Tiras (and some foreboding Old God-ish tentacles surrounding it) as part of its texture: The armor models, which are very incomplete, have file names such as “inv_boots_cloth_kultirasquest_b_01” which WoWhead points out is the same naming scheme used for expansion leveling armor. Read on past the jump to learn more about these past leaks and what this might mean for expansion seven. A set of armor named after Kul Tiras has been datamined, in a situation eerily similar to three previous expansion leaks accomplished via datamining. WoWhead has broke news about the recent patch 7.3 PTR build which could potentially be a look into the next expansion.

wow legion ptr armor

The article has been updated with this information. UPDATE: As several people have pointed out on Twitter, I shamefully forgot to mention another expansion leak via-dataming, done by our very own contributor Handclaw.

Wow legion ptr armor